As India continues to battle the pandemic, the economic impact has been devastating on our vulnerable communities, exacerbated by schools being shut and directly impacting children who depended on the Mid-Day Meal they received every day. To counter this problem, Akshaya Patra has begun to deliver Happiness Bags to children enrolled in government schools. Every Bag contains dry rations, educational supplies, and hygiene products for children, including sanitary packs for girls. The cost of each Happiness Bag amounts to Rs. 550
With your support we can deliver happiness to children across the country, preventing them from suffering from malnutrition, and their families from hunger, while allowing them to continue to learn and grow.
COVID-19 Relief Efforts:
Since 25 March, The Akshaya Patra Foundation has served cooked meals and delivered dry rations to the economically disadvantaged. This is being done through the Foundation’s network of centralised kitchens and delivery vehicles, working with central and state governments, and local civic authorities. One cooked meal costs Rs. 20, and an Essential Grocery Box costs Rs. 825, the latter providing a family with 40 meals.
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