For skull surgery Chinese doctors use 3D printer
BEIJING: Chinese doctors have successfully replaced a section of a woman cancer patient’s forehead with a 3D-printed part.
The patient who is in her early 20s had recurrent tumours for over 16 years and had kept her hair long at the front to cover the growths.
“I have had bangs for over a decade, finally I can grow my hair out and not be paranoid about my tumors,” she was quoted as saying by state-run Xinhua news agency.
When her tumours first began to show, around 16 years ago, Liu had them removed but they returned and grew back larger than before. Despite multiple operations over the years, the tumors returned every time.
The tumours were eventually identified as benign, but due to their location they put pressure against her right eye socket, meaning if they were not removed they would possibly have impaired her vision and limit her motor skills.
Doctors in Chongqing municipality agreed that a complete excision was the only suitable procedure.
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