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Dussehra & Navratri Celebration

Dussehra & Navratri Celebration

Dussehra or Vijayadashami falls on the tenth day of Navratri. It marks the victory of good over evil.

As on this day, Lord Rama defeated demon king Ravana and Maa Durga won over Mahishasura. It falls on the tenth day of the month of Ashwin, seventh in the Hindu Luni-Solar Calendar. After the nine days of Navratri, devotees of Maa Durga celebrate Dussehra with much pomp on the tenth day.

Dussehra also marks the beginning of Diwali celebrations. It falls twenty days before the festivals of light – marking Lord Rama, Maa Sita and Lord Lakshman’s homecoming. The festival of Vijayadashmi preaches the ethos of the victory of good over evil and light over darkness. On this day, people pray for prosperity and good health. Additionally, worshipping the Shami tree on the day of Vijayadashami holds great significance in some parts of the country, as it is believed that Arjun hid his weapons inside the Shami tree during his exile.

Ramlila, an enactment of Rama’s story, is organised on all nine days of Navratri. It culminates with the killing of Ravana on the tenth day. Dussehra also signifies getting rid of sins or bad qualities, as the ten heads of Ravana symbolise one bad quality.

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